Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Treat on a Tuesday

Another note/draft- sorry for all the words

God, you always teach me all my lessons and give me all my clarity while I'm running. That's how it's always been and always will be, isn't it? Keeping me in shape in more ways than one.

So God got me today. I ran for the first time in a long time and after one of the most hellish [HELLISH] months I have ever had. But He gave me this nudge to go run; I thought it was just me wanting to be healthy after having a stomach bug, but I should have known better. So I start running, and I'm thinking, yeah I was made for this run because I have only been able to eat bread for the past 4 days- carbs galore letttsssss goooooo, and so I decided I was going to do 4 hills since I was feeling so up for the challenge. Now for those of you who don't live in Massachusetts, specifically western Mass, these are not some small-fry hills. There are HILLS out here. So I do 3, and I'm feeling pretty tired and almost whimp out on my 4th, when I got that nudge inside saying "just do it. You can do it. Just prove it to yourself." So I whipped around onto the next street really fast before I could change my mind. I start laughing to myself because this street was literally a monstrosity of a hill! So big I couldn't even find the top because, let me tell you, it was NO WHERE in sight. I had to laugh even harder because having faith in myself running this hill was about as mystifying as faith in God. But I found myself saying, God says believe in what you cannot see (it's okay, I laughed that that was even the phrase going through my head). So I kept climbing with Thomas Rhett's "Vacation" song blaring in my ears and he sings one line that says "I'm going to rehydrate while I dehydrate, you know what I'm sayin'? " and it just all the sudden snapped in me how, during this last month of crazy I have totally fallen away from God. I kept telling myself to relinquish control, but I didn't. I just kept doing things my way, not letting myself take breaks, being hard on myself, and quite frankly being average. That's all I am without God. Average. My grades in school reflect it, my relationships reflected it, how I have been feeling in general reflected it. Anyway, back to  my original point, I was reminded but the rehydrate and hydrate thing was the message I heard from Pastor Tyler before I left on all my traveling (go to Lifesongonline.org and check it out 6/11/2017). That particular message focused on how God is the living water and we are always salty (notes coming soon on this message). We dehydrate ourselves with everything around us, people, jobs, etc, and need to be rehydrating with Him to be above average, to make our mark, to be different in this crazy world. Mind you, I'm having all these thoughts while I'm running up over a mile high hill (yes, still running and not kidding about the climb) and let me just tell you now. I didn't make it to the top. I doubted, kind of, that there even was a top at one point. Really I gave up and didn't want to put the effort in to find the top anymore, but let me tell you how it went down. I know I sound crazy, but God was talking to me through this whole run and I got to this fork in the road and He said "go left." I look left and it's more uphill and in my head I said screw that. So I ran a little bit to the left, made a loop, then ultimately made my way down turning right. The whole time after I turned around I was thinking, you know, if you had just turned left, it probably would have just taken you back to the street you parked on, you just had to get through the hardest part. Then I thought, I WENT THROUGH 4 HARD PARTS BEFORE, WHY DO I NEED TO DO ANOTHER ONE?!? And then I was overwhelmed by two more whispers: "because I asked you to", and "because you know I will repay you in 10 fold". Dang it. 

More often then not, I like to think I am following God's directions. But today made it clear to me that I don't. A lot of the time, I let myself just do what I want. You know where turning right (my way) got me on my run today? 3 streets backwards from where I started. You know where left would have gotten me? 2 streets closer and a sweet view of the sunset. God always knows better. His journey is hard, you have to dig deep to find the energy and effort to get there, and odds are, you are not going to like the looks of it when you see the original challenge. But the result. Man. That's the good stuff. And to think you and I could miss it on something so much bigger than a running path but in a real life opportunity because you weren't listening or didn't feel like putting a little more effort in. Those are my word-thoughts today friends. I hope they resonated a little with you as they did with me.

Happy Tuesday, and don't give up! (Cheesy, I know, but just embrace it)

T. Hall

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