So--- these are some drafts that have just been sitting in my blog folder.. some of the stuff was worth a read even a few months late so I decided to post them for my own benefit. Hopefully you all get a kick out of it too! Sorry again for them being unfinished... one of these days I'll get good at this.
Hello friends! Just in case you were wondering, this is the sweetest Sunday of the year: Easter Sunday.First let me talk about egg hunts. You gotta love 'em, right? It's colorful, it's fun, it's usually full of money and chocolate! All the things people love. Everywhere you look there are these little nuggets and prizes, you just have to put a little effort in, and it's all yours. Some are really easy to see, and others take a bit longer to find and reveal themselves. As I was thinking about this, I was thinking about what my personal "egg hunt" looks like. If I just put a little bit of effort in, God usually has a prize waiting for me to find. Some prizes are really easy to see and take hold of, but there are some that are a lot harder to see. If I just follow his clues, I find His surprises. Over the past year- first it was school (that was a hard one to find), now it's staying in school (grades, duh), but also opportunities with outreach, friends, leadership, and so much more. Sometimes it's something really small and obvious that God wants you to see- those are the eggs on the ground; other times the eggs are hidden so well, disguised even, that you miss them. That's the real bummer. BUT there was one gift that God made that was so big no one could miss it- He gave His one and only son to us and sacrificed Him to die for our sins so that we could live eternally with Him in heaven. And that is why the story of Easter is the greatest story ever told.
This Easter season I am just overwhelmed with emotion. For the past year, I have felt like I have just been falling into God's plans, and I am so grateful, but so out of control. I don't know about you, but I really like control, and especially over these last few weeks, I really would have liked to have some. But I didn't. The thing is though that God has blessed me with so many open doors, I am freaking the heck out actually. And then I laugh again because I know that is exactly where He wants me- dependent on Him. All of these opportunities I have been blessed with are amazing, and I can't wait to see what happens with them all. However, I know it's about so much more than that. It's about Him. This man, He saved my life, and now He is letting me live my life for Him (even though 5 out of the 7 days a week I view it more as drowning).
The Easter Story is the greatest story ever told, but this year it is just hitting home like I have never felt before. I am being pushed to be vulnerable about why I love Jesus, why I want to celebrate his resurrection, why I am thankful for his resurrection. Guys, it's so simple. This man died for me, and He died for you. He planned this life for you. He loves you. He loves you so much He openly confessed it KNOWING that we would all turn away and reject Him at many points in our lives. That my friends is vulnerability, something that God is teaching me a lesson on right now.
Let's go with what is on my mind. Guys, emotions are the worst. I just have to say that as a girl, I hate having feelings, the idea of investing, and all that good stuff. Friendships, no problem. But the second I think I could have feelings for a guy, I freak the heck out. I don't like to be vulnerable, I don't like to feel stupid, and the risk is at stake for both of those things when it comes to telling someone how you feel. It's hard and usually embarrassing and full of fear. Even as I typed this, I laughed a little because who doesn't like to be flattered? Even if you tell someone that and the feelings aren't reciprocated, you probably still made that person's day. That is not the point I am trying to make though. When I think about this vulnerability in a relationship, I next think about Jesus and His willingness to be vulnerable. Think about if Jesus hadn't been vulnerable and transparent with us... what in the world would have gained from His teachings and example? What would we have seen? He loves us more than I could ever love anyone, and yet it was so easy for Him to say and show, and without it, what would Christianity stand on? He came to earth to tell us and assure us of an eternity that we can't even imagine exists and that we were loved like no other by our Father in Heaven. That takes boldness and guts. Talk about the vulnerability needed to tell His best bros that, His family... I don't know... again, just the blurbs on my mind this beautiful Easter Sunday.
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